Current projects

  • Development of a Java-Applet for displaying quantumchemical calculations of molecules.
  • Development and Implemantation of the LIPOWARE Firmware for the Lipometer and the client application of LIPOWARE on a MySQL-Basis. Moreover development of the LIPOMeter Drivers for the USB Lipometer. Furthermore: Development, Programing und Maintainance of the Lipometer Homepage. ( )
  • Development and Implemantation of the USB Stick Variante of LIPOWARE for LipoDive, a Researchproject for measurement of the individuel going up to the surface.
    (Diplomarbeit von Dr Spicker)
  • Pharmacokinetics Dose response (with MathCad®)

    Under direction of Prof Dr. W.Estelberger and in regards to the practical application in Ass.-Prof Dr. S. Zitta’s praxis at the Graz Cinic (Nephrology). The basics were verified  with MathCad (and other programs) and a simulation of the GFR Regulation and a Delphi Program for the praxis were subsequently acquired through Excel.

  • Development and Implementation of a WWW-ChemikalienDatenbase and a Windows-Clients with automactic MSDS Download from the Internet
  • Development and Programming of a Control Software for the Chemikalien-Ausgabe-Gerät used in the teaching-seminars (Programm-Bedienungs-VIDEO)
  • Development and programming of a pubmed-Import-Modul (written in Perl) for the Researchdocumentationsportal under the head of Dozent Dr Peter Schaffer, which is realizing the automatic import of citationsrecords from the pubmed-WWW-Site into the researchdocumentation-database.
  • Development and Programming of a Exam-Database and a Windows-Client therefor with a PDF Printing-Modul
  • Development and Programming of a Storage-Database with Windows-Client and PDF-Printmodul for storage of cellsubstrates in the Nitrogen-tank
  • Further development of the WinGFR PRogram (How-to-DEMO-VIDEO), a kidney score (GFR) program from serum samples with the marker iohexol, with Excel and Clipboard Import and PDF output of protocols and findings. It was set during the development instead of the previous MySQL environment on SQLite, as an installation with admin-rights at the hospital at Ass.-Prof. S. Zitta and PD Dr A. Meinitzer is not possible. In addition, the program had to be able to run stand-alone from any network-connection without installation. This was taken into account during the development and creation.
  • Modification and adaptation of the LIPOWARE software to portable mode and optional SQLite